About ME

about me wildflower laser creation

Hello there! I’m Rochelle, a passionate laser engraver who finds immense joy in transforming ordinary items into personalized and unique works of art. My journey with laser engraving has been a fascinating exploration of creativity and precision, where each project tells a story etched in intricate designs and heartfelt messages.

Beyond the hum of the laser machine, my heart belongs to my wonderful family. They are my pillars of support and the driving force behind everything I do. Whether I’m crafting a custom piece or spending quality time with my loved ones, the warmth of family is at the core of my existence.

In the midst of busy engraving sessions, you’ll often find me immersed in my garden oasis. I have a deep love for nurturing plants and creating a vibrant, natural haven. There’s something magical about watching a seed grow into a flourishing plant, much like the transformation that occurs under the laser beam in my studio.

Nature is my sanctuary, and I cherish any opportunity to immerse myself in the great outdoors. Whether it’s a weekend hike, a camping trip, or simply a stroll through a nearby park, I find inspiration and rejuvenation in the beauty of the world around me.

In every aspect of my life, be it engraving, family, gardening, or embracing the outdoors, I strive to find harmony and meaning. Each day is a new canvas, waiting to be engraved with the experiences and memories that make life truly extraordinary. Join me on this journey, where art, family, and nature come together to create a life filled with passion and purpose.

Rochelle Bartleson
